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Palmer`s, 2102[^]0138830 Coconut Oil Hand Cream 60g

Palmers Coconut Oil Formula products contain ethically and sustainably sourced Raw Coconut Oil and T
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Palmer`s, 2102[^]0138830 Coconut Oil Hand Cream 60g
Palmers Coconut Oil Formula products contain ethically and sustainably sourced Raw Coconut Oil and Tahitian Mono Oil, infused with Tiare flower petals. These natural ingredients deliver luxuriously rich moisturisation for decadently pampered skin. Coconut Oil: Deeply Moisturises and Softens Mono Oil: Hydrates and Pampers Sweet Almond Oil: Soothes and Comforts Skin This amazing oil helps skin stay moisturised for 24 hours, transforming dry and cracked hands. No Parabens

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